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Facial rejuvenation

Blepharoplasty (eyelid lift surgery): This consists of the removal (resection) of a horizontal ellipse of skin, a strip of muscle and in some cases fat from the upper eyelids. This surgery along with forehead surgery (frontoplasty) interact, making the amount of tissue to be removed from the eyelids minimal need. Lower eyelid surgery: This is a procedure that is considered “the pearl of facial rejuvenation” taking into consideration that the drooping of the lower eyelids due to gravity, with all its structures, its correction and repositioning; it can produce an important effect minting the facial rejuvenation as an objective. In our hands, this process is carried out following the margin of the eyelashes and the eyelid a precise cut that allows the skin, as well as the orbicularis muscle and the fat bags to be separated into their own layers.

Once these elements are identified, the intention is to relocate the fat bags by flattening the membrane who covers them, and, in few cases, remove part of it, if it is necessary or mandatory. Additionally, the muscle is repositioned to reconstruct the hammock shape of the lower eyelid, removing a narrow strip of no more than 1mm in this step.

Eventually, the skin as a structure that cover the eyelid is elevated to determine how much tissue is left after repositioning it to the outer corner of the eye.

Endoscopic eyebrow and forehead surgery (Frontoplasty): This procedure tends to improve the result of facial rejuvenation surgery since we had understood that part of this aging process is the forehead sagging, changing the position of the eyebrows, and dropping the upper eyelids covering the eyes. In fact, this procedure requires an endoscopic port and tunnel that would be hidden in the scalp, allowing to repair and traction of the forehead. At last, minimal hidden scars of 2cm make this tool a new frontier in the proper management of the facial rejuvenation.

Aesthetic neck surgery (rhytidoplasty): Cheek + neck surgery (facial rhytidoplasty), maybe, the most important procedure of all facial surgery interventions. It leads us to restore the youthful position of these tissues which is lost due to the effects of gravity among others.

This technique is developed by lifting the skin of the face in layers, the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS), by fixing this structure and applying it (creating a fold), reducing the excess of sagging tissue that causes wrinkles.

Additionally, we use deep traction vectors (heavy gauge sutures) that help to keep the result obtained in the previous step, by acquiring tissues at different points avoiding the possibility of it protruding, and drains are normally left to avoid hematomas.

Do you want an appointment with Dr. Michel Medina?

All our procedures specialize in improving the patient’s quality of life, with the sole purpose of regaining their confidence and security.